Forged in the fires of some of the highest-profile issues and political campaigns in Louisiana over the last decade, Landry & Associates has emerged as a seasoned, results-driven communications firm – strategically positioned at the cross section of politics and public relations. By integrating high impact media relations, strategic communications, grassroots outreach, and digital social media strategies, we have successfully helped clients increase awareness, move public opinion, reach policymakers and persuade voters throughout the Pelican State.
In the

Louisiana needs jobs, not more taxes and lawsuits
Today Louisianans are facing a risk that threatens our economy and perhaps even our way of life: more job-killing taxes and lawsuits. As Louisiana lawmakers count down to the end of the 2017 regular legislative session, Gov. John Bel Edwards is still pushing for a variety of tax measures that will likely make it more difficult for businesses and employers to survive in our state. From the proposed tax on every product or service that is bought or sold in Louisiana to new employer mandates that would wreak havoc on small businesses by exposing them to potential litigation virtually every time they make a compensation decision — the economic landscape Gov. Edwards is cultivating is not one that’s open for business.
Court was right to nix lawsuit
Fake news has been a major topic of discussion lately. While most of this debate has focused on national issues, it is important for informed citizens to differentiate fact from fiction when considering local and state issues as well. Take, for example, the letter written by environmental activist John Barry regarding the demise of the coastal lawsuit brought by the of the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East (SLFPAE), which included some “alternative facts.”
Deep pocket justice serves lawyers, not Louisiana
Deep pocket justice. That seems to be the flawed philosophy behind the ongoing legal attack personal injury attorneys are waging against Louisiana’s oil and gas industry. They cloak their campaign in green and purport to carry the banner of environmental justice, but make no mistake: this legal scheme is all about targeting deep pockets. It is not about remedying past wrongs, and certainly not about justice.
U.S. Senate should pass FACT Act
It is no secret that frivolous litigation filings have skyrocketed in recent years. As more and more personal injury lawyers seek to use and abuse our legal system, Americans have grown tired of paying the costs and have begun calling for reform. Fortunately, Congress is listening.
Often misleading and sometimes dangerous, lawyer ads should be regulated
It is impossible to avoid them. Everywhere we look, we are bombarded by aggressive legal advertising. From car wrecks to class actions, solicitations from personal injury law firms dominate our local TV airwaves — not to mention what fills the radio and is plastered on billboards and bus exteriors.
Oil spill settlement makes lawyers, administrators rich while disaster victims await payments
Nearly five years after the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, a legal watchdog group is calling into question who is benefiting most from the unprecedented class action settlement set up to compensate victims in the aftermath of the 2010 oil spill.
Melissa Landry is a veteran strategist and communications expert, with more than 15 years of experience working on some of Louisiana’s most demanding political and public relations challenges. An accomplished writer, researcher, and editor, Melissa has developed and implemented communications strategies across the government, not-for-profit, and private sectors, earning her numerous national awards for leadership, communications, and issues management. She is skilled in building online and offline communities and developing relationships with traditional and digital media influencers to help her clients garner ink and airtime as well as viewers, supporters, and customers.
Prior to founding Landry & Associates, Melissa held several high-profile positions in state government, including her work with elected officials on both sides of the aisle to secure billions of dollars from Congress to rebuild Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Before entering state government, she worked in the private sector managing political campaigns and executing successful public relations strategies for trade associations and not-for-profit organizations. Melissa holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Louisiana State University (’03) and an M.B.A. from Tulane University (’22).
Melissa is Past President of the Baton Rouge Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, a member of the Public Relations Association of Louisiana and the Baton Rouge Chapter of the Federalist Society, and she actively volunteers in the community through her work with the Junior League. Melissa and her daughters, Elizabeth and Adelaide, live in Madisonville, LA, where they enjoy running, biking, fishing and sailing together.